sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013

US, Britain, Libya Vow to Pursue Lockerbie Case

December 21, 2013

Source Article from http://www.voanews.com/content/reu-united-state-britain-libya-vow-to-pursue-lockerbie-case/1815288.html US, Britain, Libya Vow to Pursue Lockerbie Case | www.limit.ws

ObamaCare could make finding treatment much harder for mentally ill

Dec. 21, 2011: Dr. William Sullivan, an emergency department physician at the University of Illinois at Chicago hospital, is seen through a re-enforced window of a psychiatric evaluation room in Chicago December 21, 2011.REUTERS ADVERTISEMENT To the outside world, it came across as mood swings and anger. But Regina Cullison would later be told by [...] ObamaCare could make finding treatment much harder for mentally ill | www.limit.ws

Austerity kids: we are defending our civilization

As Italy’s anti-government Pitchfork Movement stage protest rallies across Italy, “Austerity Kid”, Agata Scionti, 26, tells Channel 4 News, that things are starting to change. Truck drivers, business-owners, the unemployed, students and low-paid workers have staged rallies in cities from Turin in the north to Sicily in the south in the name of the Pitchfork [...] Austerity kids: we are defending our civilization | www.limit.ws

VOCEA ROMANIEI: Toata lumea a aflat cine este noua iubită a lui Smiley

VOCEA ROMANIEI. Cea de-a patra editie LIVE a Vocii Romaniei a venit si cu o surpriza de proportii pentru Smiley.

Generos din fire, Horia Brenciu a jucat rol de Mos Craciun pe finalul emisiunii si le-a facut cate un cadou fiecaruia dintre colegii sai. Lui Moga i-a daruit un radio, Loredanei sase [...] VOCEA ROMANIEI: Toata lumea a aflat cine este noua iubită a lui Smiley | www.limit.ws

Three 6 Mafia’s Lord Infamous Dead At Age 40

Three 6 Mafia founding member Ricky “Lord Infamous” Dunigan was found dead in his mother’s Memphis, Tennessee home on Friday night. The cause of death is currently unknown. He was 40 years old. The news was confirmed by other current and former members of the group and Hypnotize Mindz crew, which Infamous [...] Three 6 Mafia’s Lord Infamous Dead At Age 40 | www.limit.ws

Prepariamoci alla tempesta di Natale Guarda le previsioni

11:09 – “Nel fine settimana delle correnti umide porteranno ancora nuvole al Centronord, anche se le piogge saranno poche e in generale di debole intensità. Situazione tutto sommato tranquilla anche all’inizio della prossima settimana”, spiega il meteorologo Andrea Giuliacci “Fra Natale e Santo Stefano sul nostro Paese giungerà una nuova intensa perturbazione, una sorta di [...] Prepariamoci alla tempesta di Natale Guarda le previsioni | www.limit.ws

Napoli: un miracolo di Natale Mamma in coma partorisce

13:42 – Miracolo all’ospedale Cardarelli di Napoli: è nata Maria Liliana, la piccola data alla luce dalla donna ricoverata in stato vegetativo dopo una sparatoria nell’Avellinese. La bimba è nata grazie a un parto cesareo il 19 dicembre. La mamma di Maria Liliana, Carolina Sepe, è in coma dal 25 agosto, quando, a Lauro, la [...] Napoli: un miracolo di Natale Mamma in coma partorisce | www.limit.ws